We are standing on the threshold of 2020 , many questions are arising in our mind for the coming year. In order to decode the arrival of 2020, Vedic Astrology helps in every way.

What will 2020 hold? Predictions are dangerous but that hasn’t stopped me from making some. Let’s take a look.


2020 will be the most eventful and transformational years ever for the Globe. It is going to be the year where we see things we never thought possible. In 2020, we are going to watch many astrological combinations which do not happen frequently. And these will create a chain of global events which will define the world politics and trade for the coming decades.

Everything that brewed beneath the surface in world affairs in 2019 is going to come to a big explosive event after 26th Dec 2019 eclipse, more specifically around Feb-March 2020.

Mars will enter Sagittarius and conjunct ketu from 8th Feb22nd March 2020.Mars ketu conjunction is extremely volatile conjunction .Both will be in Mula birth star(a star of destruction) till 27th Feb 2020 and will oppose Rahu in Gemini in Ardra birth star (a star of tragic events) . It is the time of huge explosions, terrorism and apocalyptic Scenes with magnitude for the Globe .Mars will activate the Eclipse point of the 26th Dec. 2019 on the 20th-22nd Feb 2020, any disaster event can happen around that time.

Hence the time frame from Feb 8, 2020 to May 20, 2020(till Rahu in Ardra) will be the most malefic, volatile and prone to wars and war like conditions, brawl between countries, terrorism, untoward happenings or any kind of destruction around the globe. It is the time of tears for the world. The standoff between India – Pakistan and Iran -Saudi Arabia may also take an ugly shape around that time.


Currently, Imran Khan is under the influence of the Jupiter major period and sub-period of Mercury till Jan 2021. Mercury is exalted in his chart and is placed in the 10th house of career which should help him stand firm against all adversities.

The swearing in horoscope of Imran khan and his personal horoscope both have enough strength to give him a full five year tenure However, his tenure will be full of disputes, conflicts and challenges and his political career may witness several ups and downs.

When Mars will enter Scorpio on 25th Dec 2019 till 8th Feb 2020 there are chances that his enemies may conspire and plot against him hence he will have to be careful in this regard. His life and health needs utmost care in this period.

In the horoscope of Imran khan, 26th Dec 2019 Solar eclipse will be right at his ascendant so his entire life is going to have new beginnings after this eclipse.

Mars ketu conjunction in Sagittarius from 8th Feb 2020 22nd March 2020 is the time of huge issues of stress for him.

When Mars will enter Capricorn on 22nd March 2020 till 4th May 2020 and will join Saturn there and both will aspect his 8th house of sudden events .At that time, Period of Jupiter/ Mer/ Rahu will also be in operation in his horoscope which may bring some drastic and unexpected events in his life.


I have been warning about possible Pakistan -India military confrontation since 2018.

When Mars will enter Capricorn on 22nd March 2020 until 4th May 2020 and join Saturn there, this will be extremely tense and high risk time. There are strong chances of India and Pakistan getting entangled in a limited war in this period.30th March, 8th April and 16th April are most prone to war like situations not only for India-Pakistan but for the world. US china trade war and Middle-east crises can also escalate in this period.


Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in Sagittarius from Nov 2019March 2020 and then in Capricorn from April 2020July 2021 is most Prone to Economy Break down. Jupiter and Saturn retrograde in May 2020 will add fuel to the fire.

As per my humble astrological analysis 2020 and 2021 are likely to be very challenging period (not only for Pakistan) but for the world economy. Period from April 2020July 2021 will be the worst time for global economy. Trade war between US and China may become worst during this period and global recession seems to be on the cards. There will be no relief in the economy in 2020-21.


Astrologically the horoscope of USA suggest that its declining years are about to come. In the Leo ascendant horoscope of USA, the period of Rahu started from OCT 2018 which will run till OCT 2036. Rahu is in the 12th house of losses from Ascendant . Hence this period of Rahu till 2036 will put USA in the state of stagnation and depression.

The Sad e sati of USA will also start from Jan 2020 which would destroy its global super power status in the coming decade.


In the horoscope of Donald trump, critical period of Jupiter-Saturn is running from Jan 2019  till July 2021 which will become more dangerous when Saturn and Jupiter will transit through Capricorn ( April 2020June 2020 and Nov 2020 April 2021). He will get USA involve into a War between KSA and IRAN during this period which will badly effect his presidential campaign. Trade war with China may also become worst during this period

In Trump’s horoscope, the planetary positions at the time of US election 2020 are not conductive for him. He may not be able to regain the pedestal of presidency in the presidential elections of Nov 2020.


There will be a great revival of Congress party after July 2020 when Jupiter/Moon period will come into operation in the horoscope of Congress . Rahul Gandhi can rise as a strong leader after that period. The years 2020 and 2021 will not be good for Modi and when Saturn will enter into Aquarius from April 2022 onwards, it can bring some change in the central government of India.


In the Indian foundation horoscope Moon – Saturn period started from December 2019 and India will be under this period up to July 2021 which is a very bad period for India due to violence and sudden challenges. This period can put India under a disastrous situation. Solar eclipse of 26th Dec will also fall in 8th house of Indian foundation chart which is house of transformation and unexpected challenges hence will prove disastrous for India.


From June 2018 Kashmir is under Mars major period till June 2025. In Kashmir accession chart Mars is in weakest dignity in Cancer sign with Saturn in 7th house of war shows the state most war prone.

The Sad e sati of Occupied Kashmir staring in 2022 until 2030 will be extremely troublesome period of great difficulties, depression, tensions, obstacles, sorrows and challenges  etc. Kashmir unrest will be at its peak from 2025 till 2027.

A solar eclipse on 26th Dec 2019 will be falling in Sagittarius sign. This eclipse will afflict the 12th house in the horoscope of Kashmir accession which is house of losses and can bring a very volatile situation in Kashmir after this eclipse. Hence the future years of Indian occupied Kashmir seems to be extremely difficult till 2030.


The conjunction of Saturn & Jupiter in Capricorn from April 2020 – July 2021 gives an astrological indication for the construction of Ram Mandir at Babri Masjid in Ayodhya.

PS: Except Allah No one knows what will happen tomorrow

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