Special persons to be brought in mainstream for economic development

Member National Assembly Tahira Aurangzeb on Saturday said that incumbent PML-N government is endeavouring its best to bring special persons in mainstream for economic development and prosperity of the country.

She was speaking here at National Press Club in the event about Participation of Women with Disabilities in Decision Making Process Observance of International Day of Persons with Disabilities Achieving 17 Goals for the Future We Want.

The event was organized in connection with International Day of Persons with Disabilities to discuss critical actions needed to counter social innovations for gender perspective in disability policies as well as disability rights perspective in gender policies.

Tahira Aurangzeb said special persons are playing vital role at present in various fields of life and important steps would be ensured for their further positive contribution.

She said that legislative proposal is under consideration in National Assembly for giving easy access to special persons in buildings of Islamabad.

She said that amendment in the bill would be hopefully passed in the upcoming session of the House during the ongoing month.

She termed it unfortunate that there had been no survey in the country since 1998 to know about the population of special people in the country.

However, she said that Nadra is issuing special CNICs to special persons to facilitate them in routine affairs of daily life.

Tahira Aurangzeb appealed the media to run special campaign in support of special persons to muster up their courage and effective role towards economic prosperity.

Fariha Bajwa from National Commission on the Status of Women highlighted the performance of her organisation towards women issues and paid tributes to encouraging special persons handling their life affairs successfully.

Programme Director Abia Akram from Special Talent Exchange Programme (STEP) said there is a pressing need to understand disabled persons as main component of large work in poverty reduction education health and other key development areas.  Others who spoke on the occasion included Saima Aslam Maria Zia, Nagina and others.

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